State Licensing Disclaimer

The state may refuse to grant a license if a student has been convicted of a crime; committed any act involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit; or committed any act that, if committed by a licentiate of the business or profession in question, would be grounds for the Washington State Department of Licensing to deny licensure. The Washington State Department of Licensing denies licensure on the grounds that the applicant knowingly made a false statement of fact required to be revealed in the application for such license. Paul Mitchell The School Spokane is not responsible for students denied licensure.

State Licensing Requirements

  1. Upon completion of an application approved by the department and payment of the proper fee, the director shall issue the appropriate license to any person who:
    1. Is at least seventeen years of age or older;
    2. (i) Has completed and graduated from a school licensed under this chapter in a curriculum approved by the director consisting of the hours of training required under this chapter for a school curriculum, or has met the requirements in RCW 18.16.020 or 18.16.130; or
      (ii) Has successfully completed a state-approved apprenticeship program consisting of the hours of training required under this chapter for the apprentice training curriculum; and
    3. Has received a passing grade on the appropriate licensing examination approved or administered by the director.
  2. A person currently licensed under this chapter may qualify for examination and licensure, after the required examination is passed, in another category if he or she has completed the crossover training course.
  3. Upon completion of an application approved by the department, certification of insurance, and payment of the proper fee, the director shall issue a location license to the applicant.
  4. The director may consult with the state board of health and the department of labor and industries in establishing training, apprenticeship, and examination requirements.